Thursday, June 27, 2013

things I love Thursday

Happy Thursday! Last week I was soaking up the last few days of our rotation in the summer schedule so I apologize for my lack of posts {but, not for the awesome time I had with my boys}! But, I am back with another "things I love Thursday!"

enjoying FREE family videos at the movies this summer has become a favorite of ours!
tear, tear...they left for 12 days to visit their mom
Friday. I miss my boys:(
love summer nights enjoying a minor league game! "go ball game, go!"

Yes to VBS! We had VBS a week ago and the kids loved it! I enjoyed watching them tell all about it and really get into the songs!

That's all for now!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Our Father's Day shinanigans!

In typical Cindy fashion I forgot the camera on Saturday {bummer, I just picture it with me 3 kids, 4 adults in a car for 3 hours to visit Great-Grandpa and Grandma...}

So, Saturday we went to visit my grandparents and have dinner at my aunts! It is always so nice seeing my Grandma and Grandpa...takes me back to my childhood and the kiddos love going to see "mama Ree and papa John" too! My Grandma is battling cancer right now so she is very tired {please, pray for her} so while we were there I tried to keep the kids outside playing and get the energy out! Momma was WORE OUT and HOT when we were done! But, it was such a fun trip and it was entirely way to short!
the best picture captured Sunday:)

Then, on Sunday we celebrated at our house with my sis, brother in-law, and parents! It was perfect just hanging out at the house enjoying my hubs!

Jake got Duke for as an early present so of course in typical fashion he got something else too! {lets face it Duke likes me more so he is my dog now!} He has been wanting a new comfy office chair so that's what he wants! {what daddy wants, daddy gets sometimes}
daddy had some very eager helpers {notice the tiny tush looking all cute in BIG BOY undies!}

After a burger lunch with all the fixin' we just hung out and relaxed!

An AMAZING Father's day with all the important men in my life! perfect!

Friday, June 21, 2013

laundry room reveal

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a fantastic Father's Day weekend, I know we sure did!  I am sharing with you today my FREE, yep you heard that right, free laundry room update! {sorry for the blogging vacation...I have had several post ready but no pictures and kept getting sidetracked while working on them!}

With this room being extremely tiny and having no natural light I knew I wanted it to be a light color along with accents of turquois, red, natural, and green that I've been adding to my spaces slowly...and since the budget didn't call for a big, fancy makeover I went to my paint selection on hand! I noticed the only color I'd have enough to finish the space was white {I was a little hesitant to use white but I went for it}

I know it isn't perfect but I love that I repurposed or created everything in the space!

The small space feels much brighter, bigger, and more inviting {if a laundry room can be inviting!} Whatcha think?

The sunburst are my new favorite thing! I love the natural and turquois in them and it give a little punch off the wall!

 The key holder is perfect since the laundry room is right next to the garage {won't find me searching for my keys as we are running out of the house, okay, maybe sometimes you will}

linked up with Seasons of Homemakers, Nifty Thrifty, Keeping it Simple Crafts

Friday, June 14, 2013

braggin on my man

With Father's Day approaching {very rapidly} I figured there is no better time then to brag on my main squeeze, my hubs!


Jake doesn't like to brag on himself a lot so I am going to for him! He loves God with all he is! He made the tough choice to become a truly devoted follower when he was 16 {he made the choice to leave his family, a life of sin and regret to follow our forever Father}for a teenage that would be tough. He grew up a very rough life but out of all the crap went through he holds those he loves the closest and gives them his EVERYTHING. Jake is an outstanding father and I am honored God is having me share life with him and our children. I love the way he looks at our kids and tells them stories until he is blue in the face. With his health obstacles he may not be able to do 'normal' stuff with them but what he does do is more perfect. They will forever remember these precious moments with their daddy.
He is EXTEMELY intelligent and even tested on the 'genius level at school last year. He learns quickly and succeeds easily and I am so proud of him {considering he didn't even study for his GED and only went to school off and on 'til his Freshman year that is pretty great!}Hubs is such a hard worker {sometimes too hard workin'} and it makes me giddy to think he does that just for us. He is selfless beyond belief. I genuinely think that if he saw someone that needed his shoes, he'd give them to him, his shirt in a heart-beat. He cares. He loves Jesus. He loves me!

Jake is a self published author and is diligently working on his second book with a third in mind. Outcast is a magnificent novel that reaches many reading tastes. {romance, sy-fi, action packed}
"...death is the ultimate soldier, the equalizer of nations. Death is the fate that keeps things swaying, never in the same direction but always in equal motion." Kale had never thought himself a hero, nor had he ever considered himself brave, but when faced with the decision between giving up his own life or the lives of those that he cared for he discovered just what type of man he really was. His decision set him on a path through the darkest parts of his world and the deepest mysteries within himself to find redemption. Set in the mythical world of Telekkar, Outcast: A Sand Runner's Fate is a story about Kale, a young messenger who finds himself thrown into the path of two warring nations. Outcast: A Sand Runner's Fate explores the inner struggle of a hero and how one decision can shape the fate of an entire world."

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

life with a little less clutter, please!


This week has been insanely busy! like I can't think straight, my  head is spinning, baby is even sleep deprived busy! This week is VBS at our church, {of course, momma volunteered so we have to be there an hour early}so our days are super rushed trying to fit our 'normal' day in about 1/2 the time!
any folding volunteers?
4 loads of laundry that NEED folded, ironed, and put away!
Oh! and 3 more where that came from today!

And, it is fantastic pool weather so I'm trying to get us there as much as possible! {momma needs a sun tan...chubby looks much better tan}

This morning when my alarms went off I shut them down and went back to sleep. When I got up I felt like a failure...the first week and I'm already giving up! But, then I started thinking about how even thought we are swamped I still got up the other 4 days this week and DID IT! So what, if I needed a little extra sleep today, stress got to me and I needed to recoup!

So, back to the title of the post..."life with a little less clutter, please!" I tittle this because I was going to blog a mini series about cleaning out the clutter in all the hidden places in our home{the junk drawer, closet, dresser etc...} but after the craziness of this week I changed direction, it is going to be about cleaning out all the unnecessary 'crud' in our already busy lives{there may still be some cleaning the clutter in the home too...lets face that creates a lot of extra in our lives too}

For the next few weeks I'll be blogging about tips I am using to getting rid of 'life clutter' and 'stuff clutter' Join me as I try and simplify my life and create a peaceful living environment for my family!


Momma's Chicken Surprise

Is there a meal that just reminds you of being a kid,sitting at the dinner table {or t.v. tray on the sofa} with your parents. It transports you to the biggest worry you had was which toy to play with after dinner, if you could stay up 5 minutes later, or if you could go to DQ for dessert! Well, Momma's Chicken Surprise does that to me!

Momma's Chicken Surprise

 {this meal is VERY flexible...3 chicken breast and potatoes feeds my family but you can add or take away to fit your needs...and mushrooms are delicious in this too!}
2-3 chicken breast cut into bit sizes
2-3 potatoes
1 bag of frozen broccoli {you could do fresh if preferred}
 garlic salt and pepper {or whatever your choice seasonings is}
non-stick cooking spray

Spray skillet with LOTS of non-stick cooking spray {this takes way the butter aspect}
Place cubed chicken in  hot skillet season desired amount

Cook on medium heat and cook until almost all pink is gone
Add diced potatoes and season and spray again
Cook until almost tender
Add broccoli and simmer away juices

And, enjoy!
Linked up with:  House of Rose

Saturday, June 8, 2013

it's the journey

Over the past few months I have been trying to lose weight but having little success. I am down 12lbs but that changes all too often I yo-yo{ up 2lb, down .5, up 1lb, down 2} and have been for 3-4 weeks! VERY frustrating and discouraging. But, I am now finally motivated and determined to drop another 20-30lbs over the year and WILL do it!

Friday while getting ready it clicked that I am sabotaging myself; I eat really good for a few days and then cave to the desire to eat junk food, soda, have heavy snacks at night and not exercise,ever.

All, of these unhealthy habits are hurting my diet and my has to end. NOW! I have PCOS and being over weight makes it more pronounce and trying to conceive even harder. {who knows if we will have another but I don't need to make the odds of more difficult}And, my blood work showed I am at high risk in developing diabetes and lets face it no one wants that! {very prevalent in my family history too:( }

So, I set some alarms last night, posted them on instagram {for accountability}, to wake up at 5:50 and go and run! I didn't set any distance or extreme goals, lets face it I haven't 'ran' since I was 19!

And, I did it! I got up on the 1st alarm, got ready and took off 'running' {even if a turtle could've past me...I was still doing my best} I ran 1.25 miles and I am on cloud 9!

I am proud that I am doing this for my boys, hubs, and myself! I want to be healthy and active with them! I am so over sitting on the sidelines while life passes me by.

Follow me on instagram and cheer me on!


It's time for another Dukedate:)

Duke is getting so big...this morning him and Bandit were sitting in similar positions and I noticed they are the same height! Holy moly! He is only 15 weeks old!

{Side story, we were taking him to the vet this weekend and out walks this 215 pound dog! Yay, you heard me right, 215lbs! that point I thought Duke was a lap dog!}

Duke has gone 4 days without an accident {or so I hope...otherwise I have a surprise I haven't found yet}
cheese, mom!

He is learning his name, what go outside means, and NO!

Duke is Zachary's best buddy, they follow each other around everywhere!

Dukedates are going to start being monthly! keep an eye out for one in July!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Take me out to the ball game

"Take me out to the ball game, buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks!"

This past week we took Zach to the ball game and rode the STL Metro {first experience on the Metro and that is a whole 'nother post!}. We had such a blast; hanging out, eating cotton candy and 'dogs', and taking pictures!

Zachary was adorable as he clapped along at the game, screamed 'go ballgame go', hollered for the Cotton Candy man every time he passed us {no, he only got one jumbo small bag of cotton candy}.


Zachary is at such a wonderful stage, I remeber when Gabe was this age and I loved it then too! {probably my favorite so far!} They are old enough to do fun things with but still young enough to be your itty bitty baby and snuggle up with at night!

We left before the game finished and they were losing BUT the Cards came back to win 5-2! Yay! {We must of been bad juju}


Thursday, June 6, 2013

things I love thursday

Hello again,

It is time for another things I love Thursday! Horray! This week seemed to drag on with little energy but the babes and I did get lots of snuggling in!!

This thermostat may not look like much BUT I am beyond grateful for it! The people over at Swiss Air installed a Zoning System {makes one air conditioner run as 2...we have 4 thermostats and can therefore have our "zones" all at different temperatures}. Our upstairs for the past 2 years has been 85 in the summer and 60 in the winter whereas the rest of the house is NOT that temperature! We now have control of the temperature in our house! Hallelujah

An empty hamper to start the weekend off! I worked VERY hard on laundry yesterday to get to this point and I am SO excited..{and I just can't hide it...}

And, soaking up the summer sun with my baby {I still have a hard time recognizing he is a toddler...where did my itty bitty baby go? Slooooooooooooowwwww down time. Please!} at the subdivision pool!
muscle man!

Saturday, June 1, 2013


Duke is growing like insanely fast! He has almost DOUBLED in size since we got him a mere month ago! CRAZY!!!!

He is completely loved by all in the family and he is TOTALLY in love with us too! Duke thoroughly enjoys rolling around in the grass and splashing in the hose! And, his favorite inside hobby is dumping out {splashing} in his water bowl! DRIVES MOMMA NUTS!!!!

We are still working on potty training! We are having issues with this! I think he is FINALLY getting it and then BAM another accident! UGH!!!

Check in next week for another Dukedate!