Friday, August 16, 2013

kids say the darnedest things!

So, let me set the setting for you.

I was finally getting to sit down and relax with my gallon bowl of salted caramel ice cream when Gabriel comes running up to me. And, asks me where I put his shoes, I tell him I believe they are in the bathroom by the toilet and he says "well, why did you put them in there?" My response was simple, " I didn't, you did." He then looks at me so blankly and says "why would I do that? That's silly."

My thoughts exactly son! Why is it kids always accuse moms of misplacing their things? Do your kids do this too?

I also thought I'd share some of the highlights {from Instagram} of our week! If you aren't following me on Instagram you should be! {cms1205}
best buds :D

Thursday, August 15, 2013

schools in session

Happy Thursday!

Every year summer {actually the whole year} seems to be getting shorter and shorter! The kids are growing WAY to fast and approaching milestones momma isn't quite ready for yet!

I am beyond excited to watch them grow and achieve things they never knew they could! Gabriel started kindergarten this year and Caleb is now a 4th grader! Holy molely! My babies are not babies anymore!

Here is some of the excitement that took place on the first morning of school!
of course Zachary had to be in the picture, too!

leaving the nest! Man slow down time!!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

dukedate: 6 month check in

August has totally crept up on me and is slipping by! School started today and I started my in home daycare as well! Totally busy season for us!

But, it is time for another Dukedate!

He is now 6 months old, 41 pounds and a huge baby! Duke's favorite hobbies are: chewing on well, anything, jumping up and being "held", running after his toys, playing with Bandit and being the center of attention
every time I tried to take a picture of Zachary Duke HAD to get in the photo!

The boys absolutely, completely and unconditionally in love with him...if you ask Zachary it is HIS dog! Ha!
nap time all around!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

eat-in kitchen update

Happy Tuesday!

It rained all day yesterday so we ran some errands and I cleaned up after demo on the eat-in floors this weekend! We {the hubs} ran into a few snags so we only got the eat-in done and still have kitchen and beyond left to do...but hopefully {fingers and toes crossed} we WILL get it done this weekend! And, then there will be a floor party and a post with how we did it, issues we ran into and how we solved them, and our sweat and tears!
after demo: before installation!

I'd thought I'd share the update that happened in here! It isn't too much but what did change made a dramatic difference!! I love it!!

These floors make the space feel so much larger and lighter! {win, win for me!} If you want the same look check out Lumber Liquidators! We bought enough for the entire main floor and it was TOTALLY affordable!!
this baby got a little rearrange! I am in china cabinet heaven!
And, now the my favorite the before and after:

, Open House Party, Life Inspired Link Party 6

Thursday, August 8, 2013

living room reveal

So, as you know we {yes, there is a mouse in my pocket...the hubs has been doing ALL the work} have been working extra hard on the flooring and we should be done this weekend, so, be expecting a big reveal next week!!! Too excited!

When we decided to redo the floor I knew I wanted to rearrange and declutter the house. Sometimes I get so use to a space I don't see how it can be moved any other way. And, when I do move it I fall even more in love with my home!

before: not bad just dark and lots of large pieces of furniture

after: more open, bright, and spacious
Isn't it totally different? I was fearful about losing seating but quickly  noticed we only lost about 1 seat and we have a rocker in the office that can easily be moved into there when company comes!

I love our MUCH smaller and more sleek t.v. stand too!!! It matches the rest of our wood furniture and I'm just smitten over it! A lot less of an eye sore compared to are large black one {which got a paint job and is now in another part of the house!}
The simplicity of the mantel is perfect for me. The hubs doesn't usually input on the way I style the house {actually I never does} BUT he has said several times he really like the mantel!  
The "S" I ordered online from Etsy and for the life of me I can not come up with the vendors name {I'll keep thinking!} and, the ball jar I spray painted a while back and put some flowers from my storage room! And, they can be easily changed out for the different seasons!

I got this great rug at Kohl's for free; with a coupon and Kohl's cash {and if you ask my hubs it isn't free because I had to buy the items to get the Kohl's cash!!}
Ahh, I love this space!! So happy and bright!!!

linking up with: No Minimalist Here, Inspired Life link party, Thrifty Decor Chick --before and after, love bakes good cakes, show me what ya got #133, Featured Friday, Life Inspired Link Party 6

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

cleaning routine

Happy Tuesday!

Today I want to share my quick clean routine. I usually do this 2-3 times per week and then a good clean every other week. Granted, we usually have toys all over, but, I feel that is a good mess and grim is bad mess. By doing this even when I do my "good" clean it only adds an extra 20 minutes or so. When I do a "good" clean I do all the things listed below and I clean the bathtubs, wipe the cabinets down, and go through the papers and coupons that build up!

Main floor
+I pick up all the toys, papers, and whatever else gets piled on the island, desk and table and put it up. {putting it away is the most important piece}
+Then, I put the dishes in dishwasher and wipe the counters and table down.
+Next, I use a good ole' fashion broom and dust pan and sweep up the floor.
+After that, I microfiber mop all the floors with HOT water and white vinegar.
+Usually I clean the slider and all mine floor mirrors next wipe white vinegar and a paper towel.
+I then Clorox wipe the hall bath down and put whatever cleaning solution {usually hand soap} I can in the toilet and give it a swirl.
+Lastly, I use a dry dust rag and just wipe the dust off the media stand and lamps. {we don't have a lot of stuff to dust on the main floor...I try and keep "stuff" to a min. down there}

This process usually takes around 45 minutes to an hour

Then on to the upstairs
+I pick up the loft and our bedroom of toys and put them in the kids' rooms. {Zachary's is the only room I put toys away regularly...big kids do it themselves every night before bedtime routine}
+Next, I wipe down the kids' bathroom with Clorox wipes and clean the toilet as well with whatever I have up there. {usually shampoo:)}
+I run the vacuum in the kids' rooms and the loft {and the stairs every other clean}.
+Then my room {usually takes the longest because of laundry} I clean our room and put laundry away
+Lastly I wipe the bathroom down the same as the other 2

This usually takes about 30 minutes to 45

I usually feel like my house is guest ready or could be in a few minutes because I keep up with the cleaning and TRY to not let it get out of hand! Hope this helps if you are struggling for a easy cleaning routine! How do you keep/get your space "guest" ready? Any tips or suggestions?

Monday, August 5, 2013

banana 'ice cream'

Happy Wednesday!

Ready for a super easy, fun, and healthy recipe? We love ice cream in our family but me having a lactose intolerance and us {parents} needing to drop quite a few pounds it just doesn't fly. So, we have jumped on the 'banana' bandwagon. {with a little Simmons twist}

The amount feeds a family of 5 with lots extra!

3 bananas
2 teaspoons of peanut butter
10 mini cones

Peel and slice 3 bananas
Place in the freezer for around 2 hrs {or until frozen solid}

Once frozen blend to an ice cream texture

Stir in 2 tsp of peanut butter
Scoop into cones and dip into sprinkles

And enjoy!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

pick the lid up, please!

Good Morning!
Boy moms, ever feel like you are constantly wiping
off the walls and floors of pee?
How hard is it to aim onto the giant bowl of water?
I told the hubs the other day we need to invest in
 Clorox and knee pads! With 3 boys I spend at least
one hour every day cleaning the bathrooms!
Oh, my other favorite is when I have to go really bad
 I rush in and fall in! {granted I should look but
 heck, sometimes I don't even turn the light on...
thanks to child baring...the bladder isn't what it use to be!}
Hello, if you pick it up...put it down!!
Happy Saturday!

Friday, August 2, 2013

week wrap-up {Instagram}

Happy Friday!! Any big plans this weekend?! We are going to hang out as a family of 5 and {hopefully} get some much needed work around the house done!!

A little birdy {aka daddy} told me we were going to see The Smurfs 2 at the 'cheap' theater. {A theater around here has early shows at $4 and evening at $7 so it is actually affordable to take little movie goers more often out for a special 'cool' date!}

Anywho, here are some of my favorite instagram worthy moments this week!

p.s. if you aren't following me should start ;) {cms1205}

Thursday, August 1, 2013

the nest is full

The day has finally come and my older boys are home for our 'regular' custody schedule {ptl}! Summer is full of late nights, cul-de-sac fun, and loads of giggles but I sure miss our regular schedule and having all my boys around all the time!

 My heart is full as could be as I anxiously await their arrival!!