ABC, I belive

How will I get to heaven? By asking God to be the Lord and Savior of your life. NOTHING you can do on your own will get you to an eternal life with Him. By him you are saved. God, loves you unconditionally and WANTS every SINGLE one of us to come to have a relationship with him.

To do this we must first: ADMIT that he is the ONLY way, the truth and the life; that we have fallen short of his glory and we want a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Secondly, we must BELIEVE that God sent Jesus to be the ultimate sacrifice. Without Jesus dying on the cross and carrying the burden of our sins we would never be able to have that intimate relationship with the Father. And, the last thing we need to do is COMMIT ourselves to Him. We have to have an inwardly change in us...Our FRUITS will bear witness to what is in us!

The moment I first BELIEVED: November 8th, 2008.
My testimony: I had a FANTASTIC childhood, surrounded by love and committed relationships.I saw my whole family have such strong relationships with Christ and I wanted that.  I always longed for a relationship with God and I remember several times "asking"/ "walking down the aisle as Just as I am played" God in my heart but I never felt a change in myself or my fruits.

 Then I got into high school and the whole relationship with God, went on the back burner. I never felt involved in our church and at times I felt like an outcast but as school that wasn't it. I was dating a football player, a cheerleader, and had lots of friends. I started swearing, drinking, and getting my life messed up. I continued this "party" lifestyle until I went away to my 2nd year of college.

This time I was hundreds of miles from home and didn't have the friends or reputation as a flirt or ditz so I made a commitment to myself I was starting fresh. There I got involved in a Christian organization (Christian Campus House CCH) and really understood. what I was missing!!! And, on Nov. 8th I was laying in my dorm bed talking with my best friend about my struggles and how I felt him calling me, I gave up the control, I let go of me and turned to our everlasting Father!  I asked him in my life, I admitted that I am a sinner and without him saving me I will always fall short and he came in my life! The Christ following life is HARD but knowing I have my God carrying me makes it so worth it.

God never moves from his constant thereness when we question why we do not feel him maybe it is us that moved?!

My greatest desire is that my children grow to love the Lord and serve Him in ALL they do!

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